KETR wants your county fair photos - selected pictures will be published in an online gallery later this month.
You can help KETR share the fun of our region's county fairs by sending the station your pictures! Selected photos will be posted to
Here's how to participate:
1. Send your photos as attachments in an email to One photo per email.
2. Photos must include the date the picture was taken and the location (i.e., Hunt County Fair, Lamar County Fair, etc.) Please, only photos from this year's fairs - no old pictures. Please also include as much identifying information as possible about the people in the pictures - first and last names with correct spelling, home towns of the people if known. Please also include a description of the activity depicted, if applicable (i.e., pie-eating contest, mutton bustin' competition, etc.)
3. No pictures of minors without parent or guardian consent. No exceptions.
4. Please include your name and telephone number so that we can contact you to verify your identity. We will only contact you if we have chosen to publish your photo online. This measure is for your protection, so that no one can attribute photos to your name that aren't yours.
Thanks for observing these guidelines.
Now - go have fun and send us some photos!