Public Radio for Northeast Texas

Help Sustain Public Radio for our Community during KETR's Fall Drive

Thanks to the support of 88.9 KETR's members, when you tune to KETR you have instant access to news coverage and stories that bring the world to your kitchen and expand your mind, music that transports you to another universe, and discussion that keeps you in your car, even after you’ve arrived at your destination. 

88.9 KETR’s Fall Pledge Drive is taking plae on September 25th-October 3rd, 2017.

The focus of this drive is Sustaining Public Radio for our Community. Sustaining members are a special group of 88.9 KETR members who provide ongoing, monthly support for the programs that keep us all informed, inspired and entertained. Sustaining members provide the most reliable source of station membership revenue, and as 88.9 KETR continually works toward the goal of achieving long-term financial sustainability, it is crucial to ensure a reliable base of support for this station.

If you've never contributed to 88.9 KETR, consider become a first-time member with a sustaining membership gift!

If you are an annual donor of KETR, consider switching to a monthly sustaining membership to make an even bigger impact!

When you become a Sustainer:

  • You choose the amount you’d like to give each month via credit card.
  • You never have to worry about your membership expiring! Your sustaining membership will automatically renew month-to-month, meaning you don’t have to worry about sending in an annual renewal each year.
  • You can choose which day of the month you’d like your monthly gift to process.
  • You can request a thank-you gift once a year during a pledge drive.
  • You’ll receive an annual tax receipt in January of each year, detailing your full year of giving.

Thank you for being a listener of 88.9 KETR! The quality of the news, music, talk and entertainment you enjoy every day is a reflection of the commitment of KETR's supporters. Please join in support of this non-profit, public radio resource and make a difference in our community!

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