BONHAM - The Bonham ISD has launched a webpage dedicated to the progress of additions and renovations to the I.W. Evans Intermediate campus, which were approved by voters in May.
At the website, found here, you’ll see details on the project, tax implications and construction photos.
School officials over the years have cited facility size and overcrowding as major issues at the I.W. Evans. Among the projects to fix those problems are eight new classrooms and a gymnasium, relocation of the band hall and main office, and enlargement of some classrooms and new parking lot on the north side of campus.
A breakdown of how tax payers will absorb bond costs shows that the owner of a home valued at $50,00 will pay an extra $2.33 per month. A home valued at $100,000 will cost the owner an additional $5.57 each month, while an extra $9.00 charge will appear on the bill of those owning a home valued at $150,000.
May's successful bond election, with 60 percent of voters in favor of the item, came after years of failed propositions which forced school officials to lower the asking price to just one school at $7 million. Previous propositions included requests to also renovate Bonham High School, which coupled with I.W. Evans was valued at nearly $30 million.