The Cooper Independent School District Board of Trustees recently met for a regular meeting.
Librarian Lisa Chambliss gave a demonstration of the Go Center and Maker Space areas with a tour. They presented a student created video. The center has a college readiness room and 3D printer.
The Board heard the thoughts on the 2017-18 school calendar. The calendar that was recommended unanimously was the one with the Thursday start date as this would allow for a “transition time for everyone.” This calendar includes a teacher workday on Jan. 2 and end before Memorial Day.
During the Superintendent’s Notes the Trustees recognized the Ag Sales and Horse Judging teams. The instructors noted the hard competition of these events. Instructor Les Harris appreciated the coordination between the organizations and other sports.
After returning from executive session they approved teacher contracts including new hires: Jason Holcomb for Junior High math and Jerrica Liggins as an academic advisor.