The City of Greenville is hosting a town hall style meeting tomorrow afternoon on the city’s water infrastructure and budget. Tuesday’s event is a strictly informational presentation and forum, with no decisions being made. The Greenville Herald Banner reports the city is looking at $217.6 million in improvements over the next five years to water and sewer infrastructure.
The city contracted with Richardson-based NewGen Strategies & Solutions to conduct a water and sewer rate study. The Herald Banner reports the consultants recommended a 28.96 percent increase in residential water and sewer usage rates starting at the beginning of the 2024-2025 fiscal year in October. Recommendations also included raising rates by about 50 percent two years after that.
The City of Greenville is needing a new water treatment plant, estimated to cost more than $80 million. The Industrial Park area could be allocated about $41 million for infrastructure expansion. And the wastewater treatment plant has been identified for a roughly $50 million expansion.
The meeting is scheduled for 4 p.m. Tuesday at the Greenville Municipal Building, located at 2821 Washington Street.