In Commerce, it’s now a one-way street to Commerce High School and the new Commerce Middle School. Sregit Drive is now a one-way street, going north.
The change was made in anticipation of much more traffic on Sregit Drive starting next month. Commerce Independent School District is opening a new middle school on Sregit, right next door to Commerce High School. Also, Commerce High School’s football team will play its home games on campus at a new stadium this year.
The change to one-way went into effect yesterday, however, Sregit Drive will be getting a makeover before school starts. The road is going to be closed for resurfacing in about two weeks. The job itself should take about three days.
Commerce City Manager Howdy Lisenbee says the city is also working to improve the safety features at the intersection of Sregit and State Highway 224, which is now going to see much more traffic.