Excessive rain which has caused widespread flooding damage created the need to declare Delta County as a local disaster as of Wednesday, February 28,…
The National Weather Service will be in town for a free severe weather training session. The SKYWARN severe weather program will be on Tuesday, February…
Delta County Emergency Management Coordinator Monty Hobbs discusses recent activity in his office. He says the county's grants from the Federal Emergency…
Volunteer Fire Departments of Delta County in conjunction with the Delta County Emergency Management Office will conduct a county-wide test of the Storm…
On Monday, May 2 Delta County Emergency Management Coordinator Monty Hobbs reported the County closed out Disaster Claim 4223. “That covered the damage…
Delta County Emergency Management recently sponsored an annual SKYWARN Training conducted by the Fort Worth National Weather Service. This year the…
The 2015 severe storm season was one for the Texas record books with over 70 confirmed tornadoes, 17 people lost their lives and nearly 10 more lost in…
The National Weather Service in Fort Worth recently offered a storm spotter training program in Delta County in preparation for the 2015 severe weather…