Dr. Karri McCreary, veterinarian and co-owner of the Greenville Animal Hospital, reminds us that July is Pet Hydration Month, emphasizing the importance…
Dr. Karri McCreary, veterinarian and co-owner of the Greenville Animal Hospital, discusses National Lost Pet Prevention Month in July. Dr. McCreary works…
Dr. Karri McCreary, veterinarian and co-owner of the Greenville Animal Hospital, says it is the time of year for kittens to be conceived and born, and…
Dr. Karri McCreary, co-owner of the Greenville Animal Hospital, contemplates March as "Pet Poison Awareness Month." Karri says xylitol, a chemical…
Dr. Karri McCreary, co-owner of the Greenville Animal Hospital, says February is "Pet Dental Health Month." Also, she contemplates an article on the…
Dr. Karri McCreary, co-owner of the Greenville Animal Hospital, reflects on a story that a woman in Iowa has cloned her beloved cat. She also talks about…
Dr. Karri McCreary, veterinarian and co-owner of the Greenville Animal Hospital, reflects on a Pew Research Center study that shows millenials are…
Dr. Karri McCreary, co-owner of the Greenville Animal Hospital, reflects on a story that telemedcine for pets is catching on during the coronavirus…
Dr. Karri McCreary, co-owner of the Greenville Animal Hospital, discusses strategies for helping your pet adjust when you return to work after being at…
Dr. Karri McCreary, co-owner of the Greenville Animal Hospital, provides advice on taking care of pets in hot weather. In particular, Dr. McCreary says if…