Commerce-based music producer Brad Davis says progress is being made on the revival of the "Louisiana Hayride" as a network television program. A pilot…
Multiple Grammy-Award winning producer and musician Brad Davis, based in Commerce, has produced a new song he hopes will be adopted by colleges and…
Grammy-Award winning, Commerce-based music producer Brad Davis is leading a new "Louisiana Hayride" band, as the historic radio program and live music…
Commerce-based music producer, singer-songwriter, and Grammy winner Brad Davis is working on several projects with the Louisiana Hayride, the legendary…
Grammy-Award winning Commerce musician and producer Brad Davis is remastering original "Louisiana Hayride" radio recordings from the 1950s, including…
A bluegrass tribute album to country music legend George Jones by Commerce-based Grammy-Award winning music producer and musician Brad Davis is in the…
Grammy-Award winning music producer, guitarist, and singer-songwriter Brad Davis says "the more the merrier" when it comes to the expected opening of a…