The Northeast Rural Rail Transportation District (NETEX) Board met Wednesday afternoon at the Blacklands Railroad Office in Sulphur Springs. NETEX…
The chances for a toll road being built along the old railroad right-of-way between Greenville and Lavon seem very slim, now that the North Central Texas…
North Central Texas Council of Governments Transportation Department staff introduced the upcoming Blacklands Corridor Feasibility Study to the public in…
The parking lot and cafeteria at Phyllis NeSmith Elementary School in Lavon were filled Thursday night, as representatives from the North Central Texas…
People from the Dallas area and Northeast Texas will get a chance this evening to learn more about a proposed toll road that would be built between…
In western Hunt County, a nearby railroad right-of-way is now an ominous presence to some.Audio transcriptHaslett: If you just look around here, there’s…
The North Texas Council of Governments will host public meetings for input on the region's transportation plan.The Regional Tranportation Council of the…
The North Texas Council of Governments will reveal its new transportation plan - which could include the Blacklands Turnpike - on April 11.Haslett: The…
The proposed Blacklands Turnpike went from concept to project over the past year. Audio FilePublic Werks, NETEX moved quickly to advance projectEdit |…
Finding out which company is trying to contract with the government requires just a little digging around.Audio transcriptHaslett: Who are the private…