Who’s the best all-time running back from Northeast Texas? Hopefully, you consider Billy Sims before giving your answer. And maybe he is your answer.The…
Carol Taylor, chairman of the Hunt County Historical Commission, says Texas had two official Thanksgivings from 1941 to 1957. President Lincoln set the…
Judy Rudoff and Amy Stark of the First United Methodist Church of Commerce relate plans for the church's annual free Community Thanksgiving Dinner from 11…
Autumn Johnson, the director of Campus Recreation at Texas A&M-Commerce, discusses strategies for managing the stress that some people feel in relation to…
This Thanksgiving will mark 25 years that the First United Methodist Church and other community members have provided a lunch for people in Delta County…
Hunt County Agrilife Family and Consumer Science agent Sarah Latham says there are ways to keep Thanksgiving from adding unwanted pounds to your frame.…
This is the time of year for reflection and giving thanks for the blessings life has to offer.Amy Phillips was kind enough to share her journey. At this…
Here at KETR, we tell the stories of the world to Northeast Texas...and we tell the stories of Northeast Texas to the world.What's your favorite…
"Let me tell you, this is as far north as my family would like to go," says Columbian-born Dr. Adolfo Benavides about his recent move to Greenville to…