Public Radio for Northeast Texas

Greenville Mayor Announces Brain Tumor, Steps Aside. For Now.

City of Grenville

Greenville Mayor David Dreiling is stepping aside following a diagnosis of a brain tumor. He made the announcement at a special meeting on Saturday.  

While he is not resigning, Dreiling  has transferred his mayoral duties to Mayor Pro Tem Jerry Ransom. According to the city charter, Ransom can execute mayoral duties until the end of Dreiling’s term, in 2019.

If Dreiling recovers and wants to return to the mayor’s seat, he can. He told the Herald-Banner that if he’s well enough in time, he’d likely do so.

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Scott Morgan has been an award-winning journalist since 2001. His work has appeared in several newspapers and magazines as well as online. He has also been an editor, freelancer, speaker, writing teacher, author, and podcaster.