COOPER - In a Board meeting held at Thursday, February 2, SuRRMA learned that they can handle the right of way acquisitions for the SH 24 widening project if they prefer.
The procedure was explained by Rickey Mackey, Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) planning engineer. He told the Board that SuRRMA can contract with a TxDOT approved right of way acquisition firm and acquire the parcels for right of way if they want. Mackey stated that with SuRRMA being a local entity and the fact that TxDOT guidelines are very rigid if they handle procurements, procurements might be easier to negotiate if SuRRMA contracts for procurements. Currently approximately 89 parcels will be involved. The matter is being considered by the board and a decision will be made in a future board meeting.
Bobby Littlefield with TxDOT informed the Board that a revised schematic is being done outlining the actual route of the expansion and should be approved and ready by mid-March. In two areas, John’s Creek and Jernigan Creek, flood control property borders both sides of SH 24. Due to the long and difficult process necessary to acquire right of way in these two areas, TxDOT will use retaining walls to stay within the current right of way.
The State Infrastructure Bank (SIB) loan security agreements and the contracts between SuRRMA and the other entities involved have been received and are under review by the Board. Any necessary revisions will be made in the next two weeks and SuRRMA plans to hold a special meeting on Feb. 16 to approved the agreements and have them ready to submit to the all parties involved by the end of February or as soon as possible in March.
Audited financial statements need to be provided to SIB along with the completed loan agreement. SuRRMA has contracted with McClanahan & Holmes, CPAs to prepare compilation financial statements covering the period of 2008 to present and contracted with Conway Company, CPAs to perform an audit of those financial statements. The audit should be completed by the middle of March.
SuRRMA has scheduled a special meeting on Thursday at Cooper City Hall at 6 p.m.