City of Commerce City Manager Howdy Lisenbee discusses the current draft of the 2024 Strategic Plan, which the Commerce City Council is scheduled to review and possibly adopt at the May 21 regular meeting.
Below is a copy of the document, along with audio describing the four major sections of the document: 1. Develop new revenue streams, 2. Develop sustainable infrastructure, 3. Improve the appearance of the city, and 4. Improve quality of life.
What is the 2024 Strategic Plan?
A strategic plan serves as a guide for the council to follow as the city identifies areas of greatest priority for municipal government.

1. Develop new revenue streams
The city could hold more local festivals, receive more grant funds, and attract economic development.

2. Develop sustainable infrastructure
The city's water systems, along with the state of local streets, top the list of needs.

3. Improve the appearance of the city
Code enforcement, particularly at abandoned properties, affects the appearance of the city.

4. Improve quality of life
Improved public parks, a greater variety of entertainment and retail options, and a community center could be goals for the near future in Commerce.

You can also view the document at the City of Commerce website.