A weak cold front brought scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms to parts of the region today. The rainfall is expected to help mitigate the risk of wildfire across the region. The Texas A&M Forest Service currently rates fire danger across the most of the KETR listening area as moderate. A wet June helped ground conditions as the summer began, but a hot stretch over the past couple of weeks has dried soils around the region.
We have a 60 percent chance for showers and thunderstorms tonight, with no storms forecast to be severe, although lightning and heavy rainfall could occur. Temperatures across the region are currently in the low 70s and are expected to remain in the low 70s overnight.
Thursday, some rain in the morning, a 40 percent chance, with clouds and chances for rain gradually diminishing by midday. Sunshine should return Thursday afternoon, with high temperatures in the mid 80s. Looking ahead to Friday and the weekend, afternoon highs around 90 Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Looks like lots of sunshine on Friday and Saturday, with rain returning to the Northeast Texas forecast Sunday.