After being denied 63 percent of the grant funding necessary to complete the emergency radio upgrades, Delta County Emergency Management Coordinator Monty…
The morning of February 9 a storm warning siren was installed next to the East Delta Volunteer Fire Department. Delta County Emergency Management…
Delta County Emergency Management Coordinator Monty Hobbs has recently announced his candidacy for Delta County Precinct 3 Commissioner. Hobbs stated as…
Last Thursday afternoon Delta County officials gathered to complete some of the final steps necessary in receiving grant funding from FEMA.Delta County…
The National Weather Service has recently release a threat briefing for today, October 22, 2015.According to the report heavy rain and flash flooding…
With all present the Delta County Commissioners Court accepted the General Budget for 2016 as well as for each of the precincts. The unanimous vote also…
Delta County Emergency Management Coordinator Monty Hobbs would like citizens to be informed of low interest loans for agricultural losses due to the…
On a second attempt Delta County accepted an agreement with the local Red Cross to provide a shelter, in situations deemed necessary by Emergency…
During last night’s storm Delta County suffered damage apparently caused by straight line winds, according to Delta County Emergency Management…
Klondike Volunteer Fire Chief Jerry Wood expects to be testing the new reconditioned emergency siren in Klondike this week prior to installing it on the…