The Delta County Sheriff’s office put a recent Justice Assistance Grant to good use purchasing a new patrol vehicle. The vehicle received the full…
The Delta County Sheriff’s Office arrested Falando Rapheal Clark from Cooper, Texas on December 21, 2015 for felony forgery of a financial instrument. The…
In last Monday’s regular meeting of the Delta County Commissioners Court, the County opted to put their votes for the Delta County Appraisal District…
In a meeting which drew a crowd to Delta County’s Commissioners Court for the discussion of County-wide clean possibilities the creation of a Task Force…
The Delta County Commissioners Court selected nominees to be voted on by entities for the Delta County Appraisal District Board. Shawn Murray, Wes Scott…
As of Thursday, Oct. 1 the Delta County Sheriff’s Office announced the promotion of Charla Singleton as the new Delta County Sheriff’s Office Chief Deputy…
Following several discussions at Delta County Commissioners Court the Delta County Sheriff’s law enforcement will be cracking down on “muddin” of County…
A manhunt continues in Delta County for those involved in the $6 million production of marijuana discovered Saturday on the Wildlife Management Area in…
A manhunt is currently underway in Delta County. Local law enforcement including the Delta County Sheriff’s officers, Game Wardens as well as Hopkins…
As of Tuesday morning Delta County Sheriff Ricky Smith informs the citizens of Delta County he will be running for reelection.“I would like to announce my…