Pud Kearns with Housewarmers of Greenville reminds Northeast Texas residents to complete the U.S. Census. She says the 2020 Census is brief, can completed…
Pud Kearns with Housewarmers of Greenville and Wally Jeffers of Hunt County Shared Ministries (FISH) say the annual FISH barbecue takes place Friday…
Commerce Chamber of Commerce manager Paul Voss says the theme of the annual Chamber banquet at 6 p.m., Thursday evening in the Texas A&M-Commerce Sam…
Pud Kearns with Housewarmers of Greenville says Hunt County Shared Ministries, or FISH, needs volunteers to help assemble Thanksgiving food baskets for…
Pud Kearns with Housewarmers of Greenville describes a new twist on the "ice-bucket challenge." Instead of emptying ice buckets, the citizens of Hunt…
Pud Kearns of Housewarmers of Greenville discusses plans for the Lavender Festival at Savannah's Meadow between Greenville and Farmersville on Saturday.…
Volunteers are expected to be busy this week, filling the boxes which will provide extra food to families in need this Christmas.The individuals will man…
Sign-ups begin today for a county wide effort to help needy families this holiday season. Hunt County Shared Ministries, or "FISH" is one of 21 charities,…