Hunt County Agrilife Extension agent Mary Sue Cole offers tips for a golden, moist Thanksgiving turkey, and for taking care of the inevitable leftovers.
Hunt County Agrilife Extension agent Mary Sue Cole discusses the "Friend to Friend" event to promote breast-cancer screenings at 10 a.m., Saturday,…
Hunt County Agrilife Extension agent Mary Sue Cole says the Hunt County Fair will start this year on April 25 and run through May 3. In recent years, the…
Hunt County Extension Agent Mary Sue Cole recommends the DASH diet, developed by the National Heart and Lung Institute, for post-holiday dieting. Also,…
Hunt County Extension Agent Mary Sue Cole offers advice on preparing and storing holiday foods, from thawing the turkey to storing and reheating the…
Hunt County Historical Commission chairman Carol Taylor relates the story of the Shawnee tribe in Northeast Texas, including a very surprising tale of…
Hunt County Extension Agent Mary Sue Cole says, even though Texans recently passed Prop 6 providing for major new water projects, conservation will still…
Hunt County Extension Agent Mary Sue Cole says the state legislature has changed the "cottage-food" law pertaining to food prepared in the home for sale…