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Dallas Comic Con: Heroes happy in a new HQ

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The Dallas Comic Con is all grown up.   

Nearly 50,000 fans gathered at the Dallas Convention Center over the weekend, breaking attendance records for an event that has grown in leaps and bounds over the past few years.  Last year, that growth created significant problems and many unhappy fans as the Irving Convention Center was too small to handle the popularity of the event (read our coverage from last year here).  Initial impressions have fans much happier with the venue (and the event overall) after the move to downtown Dallas.

Credit Kevin Jefferies
A huge crowd, but plenty of room at the 2014 Dallas Comic Con. This shot represents perhaps 10% of the total space utilized for the event at the Dallas Convention Center.
Credit Kevin Jefferies
Joss Whedon (creator of Firefly and Avengers director) couldn't make the show, but sent a short, personal video for the fans.

The move also allowed more artists, writers, vendors, and celebrities to be booked...and they drew the fans in.  From a Firefly reunion to a Star Trek: The Next Generation cast Q&A panel hosted by William Shatner, big names and special events were added to the schedule now that there is space to accommodate the inevitable large crowds.

While the past few years have seen people caught in endless, crowded lines with no place to rest, the spacious Dallas Convention Center had plenty of elbow room and many areas for fans to rest and watch the CosPlay.  A good thing, since the event is now the largest of its kind in Texas and one of the ten largest in the country (drawing fans from as far away as Washington state, Canada, and even the U.K.).  

There was even room for a little dancing by a couple of plumbers you may have heard of...


The sky seems to be the limit now for the Dallas Comic Con.  

Up, up, and away!

As KETR Operations Manager, Kevin Jefferies is responsible for making sure you hear what you’re supposed to be hearing on FM 88.9 and ketr.org.
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