New Cooper City Foreman Will Anderton and City of Cooper Mayor Darren Braddy showed their appreciation to longtime City Foreman James Jarrell at his…
The year was 1977. It was Gregory Gymnasium in Austin, Texas. Coach Pat Moses and her Dogette basketball team had “determination to beat the odds.” The…
On Thursday, May 3 Delta County gathered under the protection of the pagoda on the Square in Cooper to observe the National Day of Prayer. The welcoming…
Approval was recently given by the Cooper City Council setting City Clean Up Week for Saturday, April 7, 2018 through just before the Delta County Fair to…
Delta County proclaimed April 3, 2018 as National Service Recognition Day. Present for the announcement made before Commissioners Court Monday morning…
After being denied 63 percent of the grant funding necessary to complete the emergency radio upgrades, Delta County Emergency Management Coordinator Monty…
The future of some of the bricks on the Square in Cooper were the main topic in a recent Cooper City Council meeting filled with over 20 concerned…
Certificates of occupancy and property inspections were contemplated during a recent Cooper City Council meeting. City of Cooper Mayor Darren Braddy had…
Congressman John Ratcliffe made a special visit to Cooper, Texas on Monday to honor the Delta County Sheriff’s Office, expressing his appreciation for the…
Retired Councilwoman JoAnn Preas was recognized for over 18 years of service and dedication on the City of Cooper Council. A decorative bench has been…