Neil Clark, with the Delta Hope House, in Cooper says the organization holds its annual fund raising chili and stew supper at 4 p.m. Saturday (February…
Neil Clark with the Delta Hope House at 440 SW Third Street in Cooper relates plans for the annual chili and stew supper and fund raiser starting at 4:30…
The second Cruisin’ The Bricks event in Cooper was again a pleasing success. Organizers are already gearing up to make the third one just as…
Neil Clark, a member of the Delta Hope House, says the Cooper food pantry will have its annual stew and chili fund-raising supper from 5-7 p.m. Saturday,…
For the month of love, Delta Hope House will be hosting a Chili/Stew and silent auction fundraiser on Saturday, Feb. 24 at 5-7 p.m. at the Delta County…
Laura Gillean of the Delta Hope House and Cooper Community Support has just announced her newest endeavor – 2nd Beginnings Resource Center. The 501(c)(3)…
Delta Hope House receives record breaking donationsThe Thanksgiving holiday season has been overwhelmingly special for the volunteers at the Delta Hope…
Delta Hope House passed its annual audit from the North Texas Food Bank.The Delta Hope House Operations Director is Laura Gillean, Distribution Director…
The Junior Afflatus Club took partial proceeds of ticket sales from the Tour of Homes conducted in December and donated money back to the community in the…
Cooper Elementary first grade students performed 100 acts of kindness for the 100th day of school Tuesday morning by delivering 100 canned goods to the…