Last Saturday at the end of the 2017 Election Day saw a new City of Cooper Mayor following at total of 305 votes cast of the 1,205 registered voters. Darren Braddy received 139 votes (52 of those were early votes).
In a plurality election the candidate with the most votes is elected into office.
On his page Darren Braddy for Mayor of Cooper he expressed his love for this town and will rely on his 25 years of experience managing (people, budgets, etc.). He noted he wasn’t afraid of getting in and doing what needs to be done.
“I am fair and want to bring our town together for a common cause,” Braddy added. He is currently serving on the Cooper Independent School District Board of Trustees. Braddy said he will be resigning his duties at CISD next Monday at their regular meeting and as the General Manager at Collateral Consultants LLC. This leaves an opening on the CISD Board of Trustees and at Monday night’s regular City Council meeting JoAnn Preas gave her resignation from her city council position. It was noted with a year remaining in her term that the Council will likely appoint someone to fill the position.
A special meeting was held on Thursday, May 11 to canvas the votes (to which there were 305 votes cast in the Mayor’s race and 500 in the Council race) and to swear newly elected officials into office. This will also mark Mayor Scotty Stegall’s final day in office, after a 14 year uncontested run as Mayor and eight years serving on City Council.
“I am excited for this new chapter,” said Braddy. “On the first day we will address expectations with the City employees.” Braddy has been researching neighboring city ordinances with hopes to strengthen Cooper’s current regulations and plans to communicate with the public to help everyone have a better understanding. Another area of concentration with be working to make street repairs and seeking grants. “To make this plan work it will take community involvement – showing where their hearts are,” said Braddy, hoping to fulfill his goals. “If we just think outside the box along with volunteers to help with the common cause, more people will be attracted to our town. But we all have to be serious and ready to work. I am committed to help Cooper with this investment in our community.”
The unofficial results revealed Carl Reel, former City Councilman, as the next formable competitor in the Mayor’s race as he received 79 votes (22 early votes) followed closely by Amanda L’Esperance, who garnered 69 votes in the campaign with (38 early votes). Joseph Flanery received 15 in this race (seven early votes), and Galen Kimbrell had three votes (one early vote).
Retaining his long-time status on the City Council is E.J. Cates, earning 141 (51 early votes) of the 500 total votes cast along with new comer Allen Foster, who had 133 votes (50 early) to fill the two open positions on the Cooper City Council.
Others in the council race were incumbent Donna Thomason, who had 128 votes (63 early), Bobby Rhein had 98 votes with 41 early votes cast.
As stated previously JoAnn Preas has resigned leaving another vacancy on the City Council. To stay informed on City information visit the new City’s website at