Hank Pickering of Wolfe City says the "Rail to Trail Opening Day" on the Northeast Texas Trail in Wolfe City will begin at 8 a.m. Saturday morning. Events…
Hank Pickering of Wolfe City, a supporter of the Northeast Texas Trail, says the NETT had a record number of users in 2020, at least in nearby Lamar…
Hank Pickering, a volunteer for the the Northeast Texas Trail, says several projects being directed by the Chaparral Rails to Trails organization are…
Hank Pickering, a supporter of the Northeast Texas Trail from Wolfe City, says the NETT has seen more visitors during the coronavirus crisis. About 23,000…
Jack Neal, director of the Northeast Texas Trail, says activity remains high on the NETT, even in the winter. Jack says he hopes the Trail will soon be…
Northeast Texas Trail director Jack Neal says two legislators, State Sen. Bryan Hughes and State Rep. Gary VanDeaver, will seek approval for a study to be…
The executive director of the Northeast Texas Trail, Jack Neal, and trail supporter Hank Pickering of Wolfe City discuss the news that the NETT has earned…
Jack Neal, executive director of the Northeast Texas Trail, is joined by Steve Killian, the director the Cooper Lake State Park, who recently hiked the…
Jack Neal, the executive director of the Northeast Texas Trail, says the Texas Department of Transportation is proposing a statewide bicycle tourism trail…
Texas House Rep. Gary Van Deaver is looking for more backup at the state level to get the Northeast Texas Trail integrated into the state parks system.…