This week Luke is giving some channel catfishing tips. Earlier this week, he enjoyed some red hot action on 'eater' catfish at Fork with Glenn Miller. Mr. Miller has been reading Luke's outdoor newspaper column for the past 50 years and thought it was about time to meet. Luke gives some good catfish catching tips this week as well as some information that will help you predator hunters reduce the coyote population.
Luke and his friend Larry Weishuhn recap a deer hunt out in far west Texas this past week.
Luke's good friend Jeff Rice returns this week with some tips that will help you put some pork in the freezer and hogs off your pastures this week. Luke and Jeff share some tried and proven techniques they have used through the years. You don't want to miss this weeks show.
Luke devotes this week's show to outdoor cooking and his great friend Jeff Rice is today's guest. Jeff is a lifelong hunter and as with many sportsmen, he enjoys creating tasty meals from the fruits of his hunts. Jeff and Luke share a few tasty recipes this week.
Luke's good friend Larry Weishuhn (www.larryweishuhn.net) joins Luke this week and the two old hunters discuss some late season deer hunting tactics that will help you put some late season venison in the freezer.
Luke and his longtime friend Bill Carey with Striper Express (www.striperexpress.com) on Lake Texoma tell all about an exciting striper trip this week using a technique called "Deadsticking". Back at the dock, the trip ended with some awesome trophy blue catfish action. Click and listen to Luke and Bill give an account of a fun winter's day on the water.
Luke's good friend Bill Carey with Striper Express (www.striperexpress.com) is guest today. Luke and Bill discuss an action packed striper trip on Lake Texoma where they enjoyed some fast paced action fishing for stripers under flocks of gulls diving to feed on shad driven to the surface by hungry stripers. Back at the dock, cut bait produced some jumbo size blue catfish up to 38 pounds. Having great friends Edgar and David Cotton along make this trip even more special.
Luke talks about a recent trip up in southeast Oklahoma hunting on land owned by the Choctaw Nation, 40 thousand acres of beautiful mountain country and headquarters for The Choctaw Hunting Lodge (www.choctawhuntinglodge.com).Luke was fortunate to harvest a mule foot Choctaw hog. Click and listen as Luke recaps his adventure.
Luke has one of his favorite writers as his guest today, Mr. Herman W. Bruen. Herman has worn many hats during his life- writer, radio show host, wilderness hunting guide, rancher and probably several others that I am unaware of . Among other subjects, Herman discusses his new book, The Lost Rider & Friends available through email HWB@thelostrider.com
Larry Weishuhn (www.larryweishuhn.net) joins Luke this week with a recap of his recent whitetail hunt in Finland. Larry took what might be the heaviest buck of his lengthy career, a big 8 point that weighed 325 pounds on the hoof. Click to listen to Larry and Luke discuss Mr. Whitetail's recent adventure. A side note- what would we deer hunters here in northeast Texas do If we saw a whitetail weighing 325 pound come easing out of a pin oak flat? Check out Luke's podcast "Catfish Radio with Luke Clayton and Friends", found wherever you get your podcasts.